Time after time…

No, I won’t belt out the popular eighties tune but…
I will graciously hum the tune in my mind and maybe just maybe it will get stuck in your head, not in an annoying fashion, just a gentle reminder of this precious gift.
I was teaching my Earth Angel Manifestation Circle the other night and felt in awe. I know, how cheesy, but really, I was so grateful because in this moment I was given a precious gift of their time.
Earlier that day, I was working at a local metaphysical store Eclectic by Nature where I provide intuitive readings and had several people praise my work and energetically hugged me, it was fabulous! (An energetic hug is the same feeling without the actual hug-smile)
Although I cannot define my work or self-worth on what other people think and feel it was nice and gracious for people to extend their love outward to lil’ o’ me!
How often have you given your time only to find that you regret you spent so much of it?
Time can often be taken for granted. We can violate time boundaries by taking too long in the grocery line because of a cell phone conversation even if your aging mother isn’t feeling well and needs your comforting time on the other end.
We can also violate time boundaries when we ask for five minutes and then take fifteen.
I confess, guilty as charged. Not on purpose, but have. It makes me more aware of the time that I spend and activities I engage in and treat them as a gift. Even if they have paid for a service that I provide, it is still a choice and an energy exchange and I appreciate the time. So, as you go along living your wonderful life, take the time today to tell someone “thank you” for the simple offering of time is a treasure in and of itself.
I will now say a big THANK YOU to everyone who has supported me and given your time, you are appreciated!
Love and Light
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