A wise woman once asked me...

Manifestation is such a complex yet simple reality. I have definitely manifested things I wanted and others, well, maybe not so much. (smile)
A wise woman once asked me “Are you co-creating or creating?” I looked at her with a perplexed gaze and proceeded “well, I create, I guess. I don’t know, what’s the difference?” The wise woman began to speak “Co-creating is with Spirit and creating is struggling to do it by yourself.” WOW! That makes so much sense. I have done both. Take a moment now and ask yourself the same question.
Co-creating is so much easier, it just flows. You know? It’s when you are journaling and you can’t write the words fast enough, it’s when you are talking on the phone and an idea suddenly encompasses your mind so much so that that person has been calling your name for the past thirty seconds only to find her voice silent amongst your “deaf” ears! Or, it’s in the moment that you are brainstorming with co-workers and you deliver the idea that eventually turns your entire company from the red in to the black.
The other is simply creating. You struggle and constantly find yourself saying “I feel so stuck.” You feel paralyzed with fear and anxiety. You sing and chant, you meditate, you get Reiki treatments, you even recite the entire rosary although you are NOT Catholic, just to get inspiration to create only to feel more exhausted in your efforts of trying to create that you actually create more madness and frustration!
Creation is the Divine’s work. I believe we all agreed to do some form of work on this planet. The choice herein lies with you whether to struggle or not. I know that may sound blunt or harsh, but it’s my truth. It wasn’t until 2008 that I was re-awakened, in other words, I began receiving intuitive messages and actually experienced a deceased loved one speaking to me to speak to a client of mine. I had been trying to develop my intuition not really knowing why but felt so compelled to try and had been doing so for almost a year. I followed all the books, audios, downloads, MP3s, you name it, I have done it. Only to find it that I was struggling to create instead of Co-Creating with Spirit.
Co-creating with Spirit is allowing and embracing that you are working as a team. It’s not just you alone. This concept might seem elementary to some but it can be difficult because it can feel intangible. However, it’s a knowing. Spirit wants to work through us whether it’s at work, at home, at play, or in deep meditations, Spirit wants to help you achieve your Highest level so that struggle can be eliminated from your life.
I begin teaching Earth Angel Manifestation Circle tonight which has been a Co-Creation full of joy and nervous excitement. I had no intentions of teaching about this, but listened to the gentle whispers nudging me to co-create something else, so there you have it. When you Co-Create, it’s not about your ego-it’s about your evolution. (yeah, I know, constant change is scary, but fun!)
So, what’ll you have a side of create or a full platter of Co-Creation and a limitless pitcher of Divine Abundance to go? Does that complete your order?...
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