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Change versus Re-Create…

I was speaking with a friend and she was told that in the simplest form, “if you don’t like how your life is going you get the opportunity to re-create it.”

I like that.  Do you notice how you can hear or see similar verbiage or meanings and yet it appears as if it is the first time ever experiencing said meanings?  How interesting…

How many of us are excited about change?

 Let’s take a moment and think about it. In your daily life, how do you handle change? Do you allow room for flexibility? Do the tiny hairs on your neck and arms stand up in “attention” when something in your schedule goes awry?

Well, as I embrace change I realize that I like to “change” words that have often frustrated me, words such as:



Timing-this one is growing on me that’s why it’s not in all caps

TESTS-of any kind

 SUFFERING-need I say more?

 FAVOR-what’s the point of this?

And now CHANGE!

There, I said it. I guess I really don’t like the word. This word has a negative connotation for me. It’s like; get ready for the impending doom. (Cue creepy organ music-dum, dum, da-dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum dum…DUM!)

Yes, I do try to go with the flow and allow, but I am Spirit having a human experience which can make it a little tough!

To illustrate, very soon, I will be switching my shared office space with an ah-mazing massage therapist in to a bigger, more spacious, office right across the hall. Yay! I know, I am excited beyond belief, but this darn change thing has taken me for a loop, I guess I have allowed that too! At any rate, my nervous excitement can feel petrifying and I find myself “practicing what I preach” a whole heck of a lot more!

Now, I get to tell myself “If you don’t like it then you can re-create it.” We all get do-over’s! What a relief, but then you may ponder or problem solve in your head “but, I don’t want to go through this again, I am too tired.” I know, my brain does the same thing, but referring back to my previous blog of   abundance = choices I talked about the same thing, so we can choose and re-create over and over and over again this, however; does not mean that we have to suffer or be challenged in the process. I t does not mean that the task at hand calls for arduous-laden work.

So, The Clarity and Balance Holistic Center is accepting new clients for individual counseling and couples counseling, intuitive mentoring, intuitive readings, classes, workshops, energy work, retreats, and much more!

For those of you spectacular left-brain folks: I am a North Carolina Licensed Professional Counselor #6720. I specialize in depression issues, anxiety, phobias, issues of transition, grief and loss, adult ADD issues, and spiritual development. I utilize several modalities such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Adlerian Therapy, Energy Psychology, and Intuitive Therapy that have been researched and proven effective.

For my right-brain folks: Simply put, Let’s talk with a purpose! I can help. Spirit will guide the process, I will use my expert clinical skills along with the Angelic Realm to help you heal yourself and become the most authentic self you can be!

So, if you don’t like it, Re-create it!




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