I just love my Angels!

I just love my Angels!
So, I woke up this morning and felt strongly nudged to pull an angel card from my ól faithful-Doreen Virtue Angel Therapy Oracle Cards-and I pulled “Workshops and Seminars.”
This is so funny!! As I was shuffling and focusing inward for the message of the day, asking the angels to impart their loving words of wisdom I began to drift. Well, are you thinking about broadening your horizons and want to meet like-minded people? Are you feeling trapped and need some clarity? Perhaps, it’s at your local metaphysical store or enrichment center. Maybe it’s in your therapist’s office with rose quartz and a soft candle burning for wonderful ambiance. I feel that now is the time to face fears and focus on COMMUNITY.
Likewise, inward community is with yourself. It’s having a special place within you; some call it an inner retreat or sanctuary, whatever the name it’s important to go there often. To share new ideas with your Higher Self. Meditate on the all intricacies of life. It’s your safe Haven!
Outward community is where you can meet and exchange resources and ideas. There is a wonderful place in Greensboro, NC where I host my classes and workshops called The Sitting Room and I gotta tell you I laughed out loud when I pulled this card, however glaringly obvious for me, it’s not just about me. It’s about you. The inner voice that keeps saying “more. I want more.”
I am preparing my curriculum for a workshop and program that will begin this April 2011 it is called-Embrace Holistic Wellness.
I know, how original-considering it’s the name for my website, but you know, it’s who I am. I am a therapist, mental health counselor. I am also an Intuitive. I am also a Light worker. I can’t have one without the other. They are all facets of who I am, thus, holistic wellness is the optimal goal in my life. I know so many of you believe the same. I’m getting really excited about sharing more about this workshop and other fun stuff that I do.
Back to the card-Doreen Virtue writes: “Attending and giving speeches is part of your spiritual path and purpose. Be open to teaching and learning.”
So, take out a coloring page and start scribbling. It frees up your creativity to write and create. Share with your community, I’m waiting….
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