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The purpose of this blog is to help people become aware of who I am and what I value. Here I intend to share my thoughts and opinions in a personable manner without boring you with the minutia of my personal life. I hope that the pieces I share here with you will also enhance your own life and give you insight into matters and topics I believe affect us all. You are welcome here! Please visit often, share your own responses in the comment area, and join me in this journey!

Entries in affirmations (1)


A simple affirmation exercise for you to try...

I enjoy a good affirmation. As I recite them over and over again, I enjoy the repetition and the meditative state that some can put me in. Then, I started thinking. What if you make a game out of affirmations??

Affirmations are very powerful and can create masterful changes and shifts in your life. I am definitely a witness!

Having stated that, sometimes our brains can get used to them and the ego may not “approve” of you using them any more, so perhaps it’s time to switch it up a bit.

Below I have provided a simple exercise in making your affirmations become more harmonious and fun rather than boring, rote, and routine.  I’d love to hear how it goes.


Write ten affirmations, very quickly, right off the top of your head, and set a timer for five minutes! Yes, only five, you can do this. Don’t worry about spelling, just allow yourself to be free with this. The only rule is to begin with “I” and write the affirmation in the present tense.

For example, “I enjoy writing and creating fun and quirky affirmations.” It's as simple as that. Then, once you have them written in five minutes or less, place each affirmation on a single index card and recite them for five minutes. Now, it is more like a game!

You could even place the cards in a basket and grab a card every morning to recite during the day. Then select an affirmation for the evening to recite right before you go to bed. Next, recall what dreams you have. Write the dreams down and date them. Refer back to the dream recall every so often to see if there are hidden messages for you. Ooh, I’m getting excited to see and hear how these work for you!

Whether you decide to try this exercise, I invite you to spend some quality time with affirmations and twist it up!

 I believe that throughout your writing, your subconscious will speak to you and let you know what needs to be healed.

Have fun with the process and I will share more ideas soon!