How many of you have been in a funk lately?

Do you know what I mean when I say “funk?” It’s that feeling of slight irritability, slight anxiety. A sort of calm before the storm, no, I’m not talking about a mood swing, or even a depressed mood, it’s just a funk! Often I thank Spirit that I am heavily involved in both worlds, meaning I am clinical, allowing me to rely upon my clinical counseling expertise and I am Intuitive. Also, I am an Empath so I can literally feel what is going on “good” “bad” or “indifferent” planetary wise, globally, locally, you name it! That’s why folks it is very important to ground. We will get to that later-meditate, becoming a harmony of One.
I have noticed that this month of June year 2011, yes, that’s right, has been a fog of sorts. Enveloped in a mixed array of emotions, heat waves of explosive anger at times, literally boiling over, of course not directed at anyone, internally, impatient- how I despise that word? Anywho.
And feeling slightly lost. Now, we all have our “stuff” you know? Our lovely baggage that accompanies us throughout our life’s journey to teach and help mold us, but this month I have certainly felt as if the load has been heavier. I shifted the weight, re-distributed it in fact, and I am learning AGAIN, to be comfortable with feeling uncomfortable. Tips to get you through if you have been or by chance experience some of the aforementioned in your own personal journeys:
1. Honor thyself. Please nurture yourself. I have found that painting my nails has been so relaxing I can’t even tell you. Truth? I always thought my hands “never looked right with colored polish on them.” Humph? Wonder where that negative tape started, anyway please try it.
2. Engage in a new hobby. I love couponing. Enough said on that!
3. Breathe. Hmm. Sounds like duh! But really, I have noticed that whilst I write this I have held my breath at least three times. “I’m sorry body.” (smile)
4. Seek Support. Talk to a therapist or spiritual advisor. Someone whom resonates with you.
5. Enjoy the honor of your own company.
6. Blog. Wait, oh that’s for me, cause I just love it.
Now, these are very simple and I’m’ quite sure you’ve probably already implement these into your daily or weekly routines, I guess the universe wanted ME to remember. I have truly missed writing and thanks for reading.