
How does this word make you feel? This word “un-for-tun-ate,” popped in my head, which has been happening lately. I don’t think, well, that’s a feeling, so, I don’t feel right typing this word, but alas, I shall continue. I prefer to think of the word “fortunate.” Ooh, now, that’s better! The ends of my mouth are turning up and there you have it, a smile. How about you?
Do you consider yourself a fortunate person?
Not to worry, I can’t see you if you responded “no.” (smile)
There’s no judgment, just a thought. Perhaps, another perspective.
What makes a person fortunate or unfortunate? Does this word signify wealth or accomplishment? Does it signify luck or hard work paid off?
I am fortunate, because for me, fortunate and grateful are interchangeable; synonymous.
My fortune is looking at my beautiful niece who just had a dance recital of which I was unable to attend, blossom in front of my eyes.
I am fortunate to have my fingers to type this blog and share my thoughts and feelings, and quirks, etc…
I am fortunate for having a voice and being able to share it, even if no one cares to hear it.
I am fortunate enough to have my eyes to see the beauty in my life, even when I’m having a bad day.
I hope that however you define fortunate, may it be the purest reflection of your true authentic beauty inside and out. I hope the world knows how fortunate it is to have YOU in it!