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The purpose of this blog is to help people become aware of who I am and what I value. Here I intend to share my thoughts and opinions in a personable manner without boring you with the minutia of my personal life. I hope that the pieces I share here with you will also enhance your own life and give you insight into matters and topics I believe affect us all. You are welcome here! Please visit often, share your own responses in the comment area, and join me in this journey!

Entries in impatience (1)


Impatience, how I disdain you!

Been thinking a lot about the Law of Attraction and quieting the mind. Wow! It is so hard to do.

I just read about impatience and according to Abraham of Esther and Jerry Hicks-is that when you go back and forth instead of forward thinking and feeling in the direction of your desires there is no need for patience. Yay! I am not fond of the word AT ALL! So, hope this inspires you as it has me.