Being in the moment a lot today...

Hope your day is off to a great start!
So, I was headed to work and then the first client scheduled was a “no-show” in other words, the person did not call, cancel, and was basically M.I.A. Then, the next person scheduled was contacted and then guess what? You know where I’m going with this… CANCEL!
This is the life of a counselor/therapist.
Well, not all the time, and perhaps (sigh) not even some of the the time. So, I brushed myself off, not literally, and decided to run some errands. I laughed and discussed with Spirit this great lesson so early Monday morning.
Because you see, in my world, nothing, and I mean NOTHING happens on accident.
I laughed again… “ooh, I could catch up on some shows on my DVR, or ooh, I could go see what Michael’s has on sale…OR I could be in the moment.”
“Wait...where did that come from?”
That was definitely NOT on my list. I was busy sprouting off in my mind all the things I had to do. So of course, instead of running all the errands or even doing the above mentioned, I decided to play with my camera phone and then guess what? (Chuckle)
The phone gets stuck…or freezes, whatever you call it; I was temporarily unable to use it.
I laughed again and said to myself “Ok, Monica, just be in the moment.”
I thanked Spirit for the lesson and plan on being in the moment a lot today. How about you?