So, what’s with the labels?

Geez, we are such a labels-driven society it pains me, and sometimes my pocket! (Cancel, Clear, Delete)Anyway, I was perusing the web completely distracted from my morning tasks, and found a website called Angel University. Uhm, {clear throat} “HELLO!”
“How could Doreen Virtue not tell me?” Yeah, I actually said it, out loud!! This website seems to be facilitated by her family and you can purchase distance learning materials and resources from the website. Then my mind started chattin’ away “oooh, Monica, remember when you wanted to go to Hawaii for like, 5000 dollars.” (It wasn’t that much, more like three, but it sure felt like it) “Now’s your chance to be a CERTIFIED ANGEL THERAPY PRACTITIONER BY DOREEN VIRTUE.” My palms began to sweat, really. And then it hit me again, I will call it my Higher Self chiming in “So, does this mean that all the work that you have done and blessings you have received by learning and teaching about angels is in vain?” I thought “you’re right!” I quickly closed the website and began writing this, thanks for letting me vent!
But really, what is it about labels? Yes, I host my own Angel Academy class and other materials but does that make me less valid or less connected if I don’t have the certification. It was definitely taught to me that labels make you matter. I know, that sounds horrible yet my truth. The more letters behind your name the more professional. Now, don’t get me wrong, I worked very hard for my initials, well, other initials, but that doesn’t make me a better counselor.
I am trained to open the Akashic Records and provide Akashic consultations but still, I don’t put behind my name, Monica Williams, CARC, LPC, MS, CM, blah, blah, blah. BS
I think it has got to be a fine balance. Credentialing is important to know that this person with whom you have chosen to work with and Co-Create for whatever purpose is qualified to do so. It’s another thing to get a certification to validate your worth. Someone told me that “we keep looking outer when we need to go inner.”
I cannot qualify my worth and value as a counselor based upon a client’s feeling or opinion about me.
Just think if Oprah only listened to the bloggers (chuckle) and the not so nice tabloids to validate her existence, well she would probably go insane, then talk about it on someone else’s talkshow. That is simply crazy-making!
Have you ever noticed that authentic, genuine qualified people don’t talk about how many certifications and licenses they have earned? They don’t boast about traveling here to work with this Shaman, or this world-renowned physician. It’s what they do. Not who they are trying to sell.
When I first did my intuitive readings (smile) I put sooo many labels on the card that they all didn’t fit. Humph! “ Now, everybody won’t know.”
That’s exactly the point. I think I was confused and scared. I now, know, more than ever that all those labels didn’t and don’t fit. There simply isn’t any room. (Thank Heavens)