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The purpose of this blog is to help people become aware of who I am and what I value. Here I intend to share my thoughts and opinions in a personable manner without boring you with the minutia of my personal life. I hope that the pieces I share here with you will also enhance your own life and give you insight into matters and topics I believe affect us all. You are welcome here! Please visit often, share your own responses in the comment area, and join me in this journey!

Entries in manfiest (1)


T.E.A.M.-Gary Busey said....

T.E.A.M.-Gary Busey said “Together Everyone Achieving More”

Yes, you know it, I was watching a program on television and this famed actor “coined” this acronym of sorts to describe teamwork.  I think it’s clever and well, spot on!

 A little more about co-creating.(I know, this topic has dominated my past few blog entries). When you Co-Create you have your own personal team, your very own support group, Heavenly and earthly. The biggest hurdle is potentially not allowing. It is where you get in the way of what you are consciously trying to create and manifest.

It is in the moment when you problem solve every second trying to figure out how your brilliant idea is just NOT going to work.

 It is in the moment when you talk yourself out of the new promotion that was offered because you don't want anyone to be mad at you.

It is also in the moment when you ferociously give back the compliments that your dear friend has been effortlessly providing to you all lunch. If you don’t know how, simply step aside. Take you out the equation and keep it movin’.

Instead of trying to figure out ways it “just won’t work,” nudge your EGO over to the side and allow.  I look forward to the teamwork you will be co-creating today and hereafter!

~Love and Light