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The purpose of this blog is to help people become aware of who I am and what I value. Here I intend to share my thoughts and opinions in a personable manner without boring you with the minutia of my personal life. I hope that the pieces I share here with you will also enhance your own life and give you insight into matters and topics I believe affect us all. You are welcome here! Please visit often, share your own responses in the comment area, and join me in this journey!

Entries in Oprah (1)


How’s that for inspiration?

Okay,  so I ‘m watching Oprah Winfrey’s new network called OWN which is fabulous, anyway, on her show-Behind Season 25 of the Oprah Show.  On this episode Oprah was having Phil Donahue, Sally Jesse Raphael; Montel…the list goes on. ANYWHO!

The background story is important. Okay, so Oprah said and I am paraphrasing, that Phil Donahue paved the way for her. She then mentioned, when she started her show everyone told her that she would never beat Phil in the ratings; so she thought she wouldn’t. Guess what? SHE DID! Why is that so fabulous? Because this achievement represents me and you, minus the network and that ol’ billionaire status, but I digress, Oprah continues on saying if she set out to “beat” his show than she probably would not have.

Then, cue music my “AHA” moment came…

Oprah said and I am paraphrasing again, you don’t beat your competition by doing what they are doing. You go deeper within yourself and bring that out. WOW! That resonates so loud I’m surprised you can’t hear me squealing with delight! I know from personal and professional experience that is so easy to look at someone else who might be in the same field or profession as you. This person might be the therapist who has a full caseload and a waiting list. The other might be a true Divine Healer who charges the fees that you are fearful no one who would pay for you. Or it might be the energy therapist whose treatments leave you breathless, and everyone whom you go to lunch with converses about this same energy lightworker instead of, well, your work.  Or it could be the pottery class that you have been dreaming about leading or even attending and practically drooling to sink you feet into because you fear other classmates will ridicule your “childish” art.

Whatever you are called to do. Do that, and do it well! Do it until your heart sings, you know? Competition is everywhere but when you give into the ego voice inside that says “yeah, but they already offer that class, dummy.”  Know in your heart that it’s time to go deeper within. To keep offering the class only better, because you add more of your authentic self. That’s it. Plain and simple.

I say “THANK YOU OPRAH” because I love the show and I loved the inspiration.

What inspires you? Please share with me your ideas. I’d love to hear. (Ask your Inspiration Angels to help you-I know, they really do exist)

~Be Well