What's underneath the surface of your service?

Transition and change is inevitable. I am learning at a rapid rate this fact.
As I was facilitating my Akashic Records Sacred Circle last evening, I realized…again that change is good. Dare I say even sweet…
Every month I host a circle wherein we each open our Akashic Records which holds every emotion, feeling, vibration, etc that you have ever experienced, even in your past lives! The energy was so fabulous. As I was deep in thought and reflection, I heard the message of “subcutaneous.” Of course, I have heard this but didn’t’ quite grasp the meaning, so I asked someone in the circle who then explained that it means “under the skin.” “Oh", I thought. "Makes so much sense.”My Record Keepers (we all have personal Akashic Record Keepers that the soul chose from inception and has been and will be with you until) told me that I “need to go under the service.” HUH?
I pondered more and then oops! Hello!! I am supposed to be teaching and leading...so I profusely apologized for my incoherent nature and preceded with the circle. Later, it hit me.
Go under the service. What is underneath?
There are so many facets to this. First, being of service. It’s almost becoming rhetoric to say “I just want to be of service.” I think I have been making that too broad. I have to be of service to me first. Not in a selfish, ego-centric way, just nurturing and loving. Second, of course, being of service in all that you do. Not just helping the proverbial “underdog” but assisting and allowing others to learn vital lessons in life that can potentially be painful to observe but allowing the experience so that you are being of service. Third, what’s underneath the surface of your service?
There is no right or wrong answer it just is. However, the next time you stop someone in the bookstore and pull them over and whisper “you know, Spirit wanted me to tell you____” fill in the blank with encrypted messages of service, ask yourself what’s guiding your act of service?
The next time you are in a workshop and you politely inform the instructor, “So, I didn’t read that. Actually, I have the correct answer and will be happy to share with you and the rest of your students and your husband and your kids and your grandkids and hey, maybe even your dog might find the information helpful.”
Ok, I think you get the point. (smile)
What is underlying your surface of service?
Additionally, you finally get your taxes done and realize your accountant goofed and you’re getting more than expected but this error could mean big trouble/PAYBACK...CHA-CHING! You inform the accountant of this fabulous yet altogether misgiving and the accountant sings your praises. Cue in music “Hallelujah” and you both smile knowing the potential ramifications. Later you tell your friends at dinner what an idiot your accountant was, without your help...blah, blah, blah. What’s underneath the surface?
So, as you enjoy your day think about what’s underneath the surface of your service….
~Be Well