Counseling is healing the relationship with you

"Counseling is healing the relationship with you." I wish could recall where I heard this, but I think this statement is profound.
My intention is to blog more of course, and get out of my head with the ego’s thoughts of “Monica, they don’t want to hear that from you. “ I know, I’m a beautiful work in progress! (So are you!)
What I do know about the ego is that the more you work towards healing the Self, the ego will try to counteract with negativity and false projections.
For example, in my counseling practice, The Clarity and Balance Holistic Center, I always try to outline that ALL HEALING takes place to the point to which you allow-that’s number 1.
And number 2, counseling is a re-discovery of the self, the process of you, unfolding, layer by layer; much akin to the proverbial onion, which gets quite annoying to peel and sometimes painful, if your eyes are exposed to its aromas. {Side bar- No worries, simply place your eyes in the freezer for about ten seconds and you’re back to feeling good}
I digress, but a counseling experience can be quite similar!
To illustrate, a typical counseling or (awareness session) is one in which you state what’s wrong or not quite working for you in your life. Next, the therapist listens and hopefully attends to you. In other words, she observes and stays in the present moment with you.
You can always tell if someone you’re in conversation with veers off, do you know what I mean? It’s that thought that rings loudly “uh-oh, I’ve lost them…why the heck did they ask me a question in the first place?”
Anywho, I know I’ve been guilty of the aforementioned at least a time or two, however; I have truly allowed the healing process to work through me and with me to further allow me to remain present and alert.
Additionally, sometimes in a conversation a person can have so many preconceived notions of what is supposed to take place that you can’t even be present and alert or more importantly, AWARE.
To demonstrate, you may be running down your grocery list or wondering if your kid said that he would need you to pick him up after school because of tutoring, and the therapist awakens you out of your momentary drift and then you feel awkward, perhaps, even embarrassed, and then the negative self talk comes in, "I’m paying this therapist good money, I need to pay attention, I hope it doesn’t last too much longer, I have so much to do.” –incessant chatter…we’ve probably all been there.
In addition, I make mention of this to remind you to be present and allow the healing to take place. Perhaps, consider counseling as a sacred time that is shared between you and your therapist. It’s all about you. The therapist works for you and respects and honors that time. By the by, I believe that once you have selected a therapist, you have probably had a similar relationship in another lifetime. So, healing is inevitable. I know this has been the case for me and my honored clients, both present and past.
So, do you allow yourself to enjoy or learn, or do you get distracted by the ego’s trickery?
Whatever the response, I ask you to consider counseling as a healthy, nonjudgmental, and newfound awareness to help eliminate the ego’s cob webs of negativity and self-destruction.
I am currently accepting new clients that are ready to try something different and give healing a chance.
As always, if you decide to invest in yourself with counseling and that journey does not include me, I ask you to spread the word and wish you well on your journey of self-love and mastery!
-All are one, One are We-