This is a day of Divine Inspiration for me...

This is a day of Divine Inspiration for me-Louise Hay
Wow! What a way to start the day. According to Esther and Jerry Hicks this is called Deliberate Intending.
I hope you are having a fabulous Monday morning, filled with wondrous and creative possibilities, love and delightful laughter.
Please make today the day that you speak your truth and become more self-aware.
Today, find yourself simply laughing at the Ego’s trickery and foolish manipulation.
Intend for today that you will create an abundant and prosperous day and allow what is to be for you to come in to fruition.
If you are already thinking about ending your day with pulling the covers up, news flash! You can! Well, not technically, with covers and such, but you can metaphorically press "start over" on your DVR, also known as, your mind! (smile)
Here's how:
Take a moment and breathe and become silent. Yes, your Ego may become triggered again to cause you to be distracted, but take another deep cleansing breath, exhale slowly, and simply allow the room and space to become quiet, still, and present. Try to identify four distinct background noises. (I know. Can you believe how much you aren’t aware of; how much you can miss??)
Your inner child and Higher Self are finely and acutely attuned. They are firm and yet kind and whisper to you “Magnificent being on this planet. You have all that you have ever wanted because you are a Creator. The vision of your desires is in your present thought and mind. Allow the full Mastery of YOU to heal the masses and heal within. Be grateful for today and make today a happy day. Blessed be.”
Love to you and Happy Monday,