Thanks, Universe!

I had the pleasure of two separate but meaningful encounters of people who have touched my lives in very similar but different ways. It truly was a blast from my past. I felt relieved and filled with wonder. I was amazed at how the universe orchestrated this reunion of sorts. I was so blasted (chuckle) emotional that I was shaking! It was kind of funny and sweet.
The other was a voice mail from a very dear friend with whom I have not seen in years. Although I think of her often. I was not surprised at all to see her name pop up on my phone. I chuckled again at the Universe.
Just think, if these "coincidences" happened without my having to interfere, what kind of world could you create if you were deliberate about it?..kinda fun, huh? Or scary...
I think it’s empowering to know that we do have control over our own destiny. If you want it, create it. If you don’t like it, change it. Now, I know this may seem like rhetoric but I don’t think it’s supposed to be that hard. I don’t think we realize we have the power to manifest heaven on earth. Although, I have often felt and heard from others that sometimes this human experience feels like something of a very fiery nature, get my drift?
So, try to be deliberate today with your thoughts and actions. If you need to say no and assert yourself with boundaries, why not start now. Have you ever said to someone “well, let me think about it” knowing you’re not going to do what has been asked but yet you push yourself to do it anyway?Perhaps you felt pressure from the other person or your inner critic was on the rampage and out for blood-whatever the case is, be deliberate, honor the Universe and just watch and observe the synchronicities that will unfold in your life.
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