Yesterday, someone told me “you’re going to have a good day.”

Yesterday, someone told me “you’re going to have a good day.” They were so authentic and loving. I thought, “Yeah, that’s right. I will have a great day!” And…so it is.
Why is it so much easier to believe someone else who seems so sure, so confident. Yes, I have my confident days and I feel pretty good upon awakening, after assuring myself that the dream I just had, was just that-(read previous blog, then, you will understand but , I digress).
Anywho, it was like the angels were speaking through them, and a simple message literally, set my day up for nothing but sheer delight!! I could not have scripted a better day. Now, I know, I am queen of optimism, well, most days, but I tell you the truth. It was truly so spectacular. I felt good, motivated, inner and outer beauty, assured in my abilities, and gifts, and I was ready to share my true pleasure and passion of teaching amongst like-minded people.
Last evening I was teaching a workshop-Angel Academy- and in this class we were discussing manifesting with Archangels, and developing an Angel Committee- ( I know, how cute right?!) anyway, we were briefly talking about what we wanted and desired and one stated “ I just want World Peace.” I thought “whoa, I’m thinking about a trip back to Dominican Republic- you know, fun in the sunshine?" You know how people will tease or playfully mock beauty pageant contestants when they are asked, “what change would you like to see in the world?”- in the best southern accent you can muster- “I just won’t wurld pease.” Hey, before you get upset I am southern born and raised so no offense it was just funny to me and when I came out of my ADD moment-which happens rather often as you can read, shifting topics as quickly as you can place a period to the end of one of my run-on sentences-I digress again! Okay, so, this person was so genuine and authentic. The look in her eye deepened and sparkled, seriously. It made me think back to my morning of prophetic vision and I knew, the simpler, the more selfless, the more you receive, thus we are all blessed.
So, alas, the lesson for today is “Today will be a great day!” and by golly it will. Be grateful for every moment and kind word that’s sent your way. Realize that there are no coincidences and the angels and Spirit are working through everyday people like you and me so that we all can experience Heaven on Earth.
Reader Comments (1)
I love you. That is all...