And then…I woke up!

Okay, have you ever woke up with such a sigh of relief, sheer elation that you are no longer in a torture filled warpath called “the dream??” I have a friend who loves dreams, in fact, she is now a certified practitioner in dreaming! Sometimes her love is the bane of my existence. Okay, pardon my dramatic flair, but I think you get the point.
I wake up, and upon doing my normal morning routine, I realize fragments of the dream. I am so grateful that it was a just a dream, or was it really? Well, I do know that I am clearing a lot of stuff in other words, my subconscious gets a chance to work on me without me getting in the way. I am glad for that, however, I do want the dreams that my niece has, you know the ones where you laugh and smile?!
I long to wake up wanting to go back to sleep, because it was soooo good!
Alas, I’m off for another wonderful day, and in my neck of the woods, it’s supposed to be quite sunny, yay!! I will recall my dream and thank the Angels for assisting me in clearing all that gook that I don’t wanna think about.
Happy dreaming!

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