How was your New Year??

Happy New Year!
My intention for you is that you have a prosperous and abundant 2012 and Namaste!
Before we jump to 2012, let’s back up to 2011. How did you ring in the New Year? Am I the only person that feels uncomfortable with that question?
Well, if so, that’s quite alright, I shall stand alone; maybe it’s just the Indigo in me! (smile)
The question has always felt loaded with pressure, you know? It’s that feeling of having to have just the right answer, or the most amazing proposal, or the sweetest vacation of your life, or… I think you get the point.
So, I decided two years ago, while watching someone on the television shout aloud “8, 7, 6,” And all I could mutter was “Happy Ne….” and drifted off. I actually felt irritated (smile) by the noise. How dare they interrupt my slumber with their celebrations and such?!
Anywho, I decided to DO nothing. And it felt fantastic…until I was asked about the New Year. Palms sweat, heart races, and boom…I go on this ridiculous tangent and monologue of why I sanctimoniously decided to DO nothing in the comfort of my own home. (Blah, blah, blah)
Okay, I will not berate myself; however, there is a point to my madness. Here it goes? I did what I WANTED to DO!!!
I think people ask the question to be polite and pleasant and perhaps some are genuinely invested in how I spent my time. More importantly, it’s how you choose to spend your time, whom you choose it with, and why? The most important word in the previous sentence is YOU!
I think we get so caught up in formalities, celebrating Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Hanukah, Kwanzaa, etc. and forget about ourselves. Constantly focusing on having enough for so and so, and wondering if this or that looks cheap.
No, I’m certainly not suggesting you become completely self-involved or even stop celebrating, in fact I love the New Year!
Perhaps, allow your true Self to unfold and spend time with you- in the most authentic and humble way that you possibly can. How do you do this? For starters, you can begin noticing and smiling that you are here on this planet at this Divine time for a Divine reason. If you doubt what I just stated, read about all the energetic shifts, and personal transitions people have made in say, the last two months even?
We all are here for a reason and yes, it’s true, to learn but also to teach! We can teach by example. By being still and allowing our inner voice to come alive and say “nothing” if it wants. I encourage you to do want you want to do and be who you are and the next time someone asks you, "How was your New Year?” Take a moment and laugh and I’ll be saying “it’s a long story.”
Love to you all
Reader Comments (1)
my New Year was the best of all! i meet with out girl but at the end i have new girl!! she is the best of all!
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